We have the whole first class entertainment experience with high definition motion pictures along with crystal clear sound. We continuously update our digital library with new titles every day.
Stream full seasons of exclusive series, current-season episodes, hit movies, kids shows, and more.
Emirify works great on all device sizes. View your content on devices as small as mobile phones as well as big screens.
We have plans starting at just ₪ 72 for the regular standard plan up to ₪ 175 for the unlimited plans, where you get access to all kinds of movies, tv-shows, series, music and more.
Yes! Our service is already adapted to our all changing digital landscape, you can watch on your SmartTV, Gaming Console, SmartPhone, Tablet and of course through your computer
You can cancel your membership at any time through our profile pages, and when you cancel your membership, you still have access to your account until the end of your subscribed term.
Yes, you can at any time upgrade or downgrade your membership. We will only charge you an calculated difference, so you won’t loose any penny.
We accept all major credit and debit cards with subscription ability.
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